Tuesday, February 17, 2009

A Fun Day at School

In my class on Friday, February 13, 2009, two artists came for a visit. Mr. Miles (brown jacket) and Mr. Shambé (gray shirt) talked about our art project for the future of Jackson.

Mr. Shambé passed around a photo album full of his creations he had made. It was fun to look at!

After the artist visit, we had our Valentine's Day party. My classmates and I passed out food, drinks, and our valentines.

My friends and I shared our valentines. We laughed at the funny ones!

The above photographs were taken by my mom.

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Fr. Bryan Owen said...

Great post!!

Julie Nolte Owen said...

Good job, Flower Power, on your first blog post! It looks like you had lots of excitement on Friday.

Beth Lasley said...

Good post Flower Power. I look forward to seeing some more.
